In this Python tutorial, we will learn about the 8 Ball Pool Game Using Python. As we know python is an object-oriented and high-level programming language. It is simple and easy to learn and also reduces the cost of program maintenance.
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8 Ball Pool Game Using Python
In this part, we are discussing how to make an 8 Ball Pool Game Using Python.
The 8 Ball Pool Game Using Python is played on the billiard table with cue sticks and sixteen billiard balls. The balls are separated with the break shot. A Player is allocated either the group of solids or striped balls once they have lawfully pocketed a ball from the group. The object of the game is to lawfully pocket the 8 ball in is called pocket.
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In the following code of 8 Ball Pool Game Using Python, we will import all the necessary libraries such as import pygame, import sys, import * from math, and import random.
- display = pygame.display.set_mode((wid, outerHeight)) is used declaring the display variable by using pygame.display.set_mode().
- pygame.display.set_caption(“8 Ball Pool”) is used to display the caption on the window.
- class Ball: Here we are describing the ball class.
- def draw(self, i, j): is used to draw Balls on the display window.
- def move(self): is used to move the Ball around the screen.
- class Pockets: is used to define the pocket class by using the init() function.
- def draw(self): is used to draw the Pockets on Pygame Window.
- def checkPut(self): is used to check if the ball has entered the hole.
- class CueStick: is used to define the class of Cue Stick.
- def applyForce(self, cueBall, force): is used to apply force to Cue Ball.
- def draw(self, cuex, cuey): is used to draw cue sticks on Pygame Window.
- def collision(ball1, ball2): is used to check collision.
- def checkCueCollision(cueBall): is used to check if the cue ball hits any Ball.
- def checkCollision(): Here we are defining the collision class and checking collision between balls.
- def reset(): Here we are using reset to reset the balls again.
- def gameOver(): is used to pop up the game over text on the screen if the person loses the game.
- def close(): is used to close the window.
- def poolTable(): is used to define the Pool table where we are playing the 8 ball pool game.
# 8 Ball Pool Game Using Python
# 8 Ball Pool Game Using Python
# 8 Ball Pool Game Using Python
import pygame
import sys
from math import *
import random
wid = 660
heig = 360
outerHeight = 400
margin = 30
display = pygame.display.set_mode((wid, outerHeight))
pygame.display.set_caption("8 Ball Pool")
clk = pygame.time.Clock()
background = (51, 51, 51)
white = (236, 240, 241)
grey = (123, 125, 125)
black = (23, 32, 42)
yellow = (244, 208, 63)
blue = (52, 152, 219)
red = (203, 67, 53)
purple = (136, 78, 160)
orange = (230, 126, 34)
green = (40, 180, 99)
brown = (100, 30, 22)
stickColor = (249, 231, 159)
colors = [yellow, blue, red, purple, orange, green, brown, black, yellow, blue, red, purple, orange, green, brown]
balls = []
noBalls = 15
radius = 10
friction = 0.005
# Ball Class
class Ball:
def __init__(self, i, j, speed, color, angle, ballNum):
self.x = i + radius
self.y = j + radius
self.color = color
self.angle = angle
self.speed = speed
self.ballNum = ballNum
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Agency FB", 10)
# Draws Balls on Display Window
def draw(self, i, j):
pygame.draw.ellipse(display, self.color, (i - radius, j - radius, radius*2, radius*2))
if self.color == black or self.ballNum == "cue":
ballNo = self.font.render(str(self.ballNum), True, white)
display.blit(ballNo, (i - 5, j - 5))
ballNo = self.font.render(str(self.ballNum), True, black)
if self.ballNum > 9:
display.blit(ballNo, (i - 6, j - 5))
display.blit(ballNo, (i - 5, j - 5))
# Moves the Ball around the Screen
def move(self):
self.speed -= friction
if self.speed <= 0:
self.speed = 0
self.x = self.x + self.speed*cos(radians(self.angle))
self.y = self.y + self.speed*sin(radians(self.angle))
if not (self.x < wid - radius - margin):
self.x = wid - radius - margin
self.angle = 180 - self.angle
if not(radius + margin < self.x):
self.x = radius + margin
self.angle = 180 - self.angle
if not (self.y < heig - radius - margin):
self.y = heig - radius - margin
self.angle = 360 - self.angle
if not(radius + margin < self.y):
self.y = radius + margin
self.angle = 360 - self.angle
# Pocket Class
class Pockets:
def __init__(self, x, y, color):
self.r = margin/2
self.x = x + self.r + 10
self.y = y + self.r + 10
self.color = color
# Draws the Pockets on Pygame Window
def draw(self):
pygame.draw.ellipse(display, self.color, (self.x - self.r, self.y - self.r, self.r*2, self.r*2))
# Checks if ball has entered the Hole
def checkPut(self):
global balls
ballsCopy = balls[:]
for i in range(len(balls)):
dist = ((self.x - balls[i].x)**2 + (self.y - balls[i].y)**2)**0.5
if dist < self.r + radius:
if balls[i] in ballsCopy:
if balls[i].ballNum == 8:
balls = ballsCopy[:]
# Cue Stick Class
class CueStick:
def __init__(self, x, y, length, color):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.length = length
self.color = color
self.tangent = 0
# Applies force to Cue Ball
def applyForce(self, cueBall, force):
cueBall.angle = self.tangent
cueBall.speed = force
# Draws Cue Stick on Pygame Window
def draw(self, cuex, cuey):
self.x, self.y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
self.tangent = (degrees(atan2((cuey - self.y), (cuex - self.x))))
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (cuex + self.length*cos(radians(self.tangent)), cuey + self.length*sin(radians(self.tangent))), (cuex, cuey), 1)
pygame.draw.line(display, self.color, (self.x, self.y), (cuex, cuey), 3)
# Checks Collision
def collision(ball1, ball2):
dist = ((ball1.x - ball2.x)**2 + (ball1.y - ball2.y)**2)**0.5
if dist <= radius*2:
return True
return False
# Checks if Cue Ball hits any Ball
def checkCueCollision(cueBall):
for i in range(len(balls)):
if collision(cueBall, balls[i]):
if balls[i].x == cueBall.x:
angleIncline = 2*90
u1 = balls[i].speed
u2 = cueBall.speed
balls[i].speed = ((u1*cos(radians(balls[i].angle)))**2 + (u2*sin(radians(cueBall.angle)))**2)**0.5
cueBall.speed = ((u2*cos(radians(cueBall.angle)))**2 + (u1*sin(radians(balls[i].angle)))**2)**0.5
tangent = degrees((atan((balls[i].y - cueBall.y)/(balls[i].x - cueBall.x)))) + 90
angle = tangent + 90
balls[i].angle = (2*tangent - balls[i].angle)
cueBall.angle = (2*tangent - cueBall.angle)
balls[i].x += (balls[i].speed)*sin(radians(angle))
balls[i].y -= (balls[i].speed)*cos(radians(angle))
cueBall.x -= (cueBall.speed)*sin(radians(angle))
cueBall.y += (cueBall.speed)*cos(radians(angle))
############ Checks Collision Between Balls
def checkCollision():
for i in range(len(balls)):
for j in range(len(balls) - 1, i, -1):
if collision(balls[i], balls[j]):
if balls[i].x == balls[j].x:
angleIncline = 2*90
u1 = balls[i].speed
u2 = balls[j].speed
balls[i].speed = ((u1*cos(radians(balls[i].angle)))**2 + (u2*sin(radians(balls[j].angle)))**2)**0.5
balls[j].speed = ((u2*cos(radians(balls[j].angle)))**2 + (u1*sin(radians(balls[i].angle)))**2)**0.5
tangent = degrees((atan((balls[i].y - balls[j].y)/(balls[i].x - balls[j].x)))) + 90
angle = tangent + 90
balls[i].angle = (2*tangent - balls[i].angle)
balls[j].angle = (2*tangent - balls[j].angle)
balls[i].x += (balls[i].speed)*sin(radians(angle))
balls[i].y -= (balls[i].speed)*cos(radians(angle))
balls[j].x -= (balls[j].speed)*sin(radians(angle))
balls[j].y += (balls[j].speed)*cos(radians(angle))
def border():
pygame.draw.rect(display, grey, (0, 0, wid, 30))
pygame.draw.rect(display, grey, (0, 0, 30, heig))
pygame.draw.rect(display, grey, (wid - 30, 0, wid, heig))
pygame.draw.rect(display, grey, (0, heig - 30, wid, heig))
def score():
font = pygame.font.SysFont("Agency FB", 30)
pygame.draw.rect(display, (51, 51, 51), (0, heig, wid, outerHeight))
for i in range(len(balls)):
balls[i].draw((i + 1)*2*(radius + 1), heig + radius + 10)
text = font.render("Remaining Balls: " + str(len(balls)), True, stickColor)
display.blit(text, (wid/2 + 50, heig + radius/2))
def reset():
global balls, noBalls
noBalls = 15
balls = []
s = 70
a1 = Ball(s, heig/2 - 4*radius, 0, colors[0], 0, 1)
a2 = Ball(s + 2*radius, heig/2 - 3*radius, 0, colors[1], 0, 2)
a3 = Ball(s, heig/2 - 2*radius, 0, colors[2], 0, 3)
a4 = Ball(s + 4*radius, heig/2 - 2*radius, 0, colors[3], 0, 4)
a5 = Ball(s + 2*radius, heig/2 - 1*radius, 0, colors[4], 0, 5)
a6 = Ball(s, heig/2, 0, colors[5], 0, 6)
a7 = Ball(s + 6*radius, heig/2 - 1*radius, 0, colors[6], 0, 7)
a8 = Ball(s + 4*radius, heig/2, 0, colors[7], 0, 8)
a9 = Ball(s + 8*radius, heig/2, 0, colors[8], 0, 9)
a10 = Ball(s + 6*radius, heig/2 + 1*radius, 0, colors[9], 0, 10)
a11 = Ball(s + 2*radius, heig/2 + 1*radius, 0, colors[10], 0, 11)
a12 = Ball(s, heig/2 + 2*radius, 0, colors[11], 0, 12)
a13 = Ball(s + 4*radius, heig/2 + 2*radius, 0, colors[12], 0, 13)
a14 = Ball(s + 2*radius, heig/2 + 3*radius, 0, colors[13], 0, 14)
a15 = Ball(s, heig/2 + 4*radius, 0, colors[14], 0, 15)
def gameOver():
font = pygame.font.SysFont("Agency FB", 75)
if len(balls) == 0:
text = font.render("You Won!", True, (133, 193, 233))
text = font.render("You Lost! Black in Hole!", True, (241, 148, 138))
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_q:
if event.key == pygame.K_r:
display.blit(text, (50, heig/2))
def close():
# Main Function
def poolTable():
loop = True
noPockets = 6
pockets = []
i1 = Pockets(0, 0, black)
i2 = Pockets(wid/2 - i1.r*2, 0, black)
i3 = Pockets(wid - i1.r - margin - 5, 0, black)
i4 = Pockets(0, heig - margin - 5 - i1.r, black)
i5 = Pockets(wid/2 - i1.r*2, heig - margin - 5 - i1.r, black)
i6 = Pockets(wid - i1.r - margin - 5, heig - margin - 5 - i1.r, black)
cueBall = Ball(wid/2, heig/2, 0, white, 0, "cue")
cueStick = CueStick(0, 0, 100, stickColor)
start = 0
end = 0
while loop:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_q:
if event.key == pygame.K_r:
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
start = [cueBall.x, cueBall.y]
x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
end = [x ,y]
dist = ((start[0] - end[0])**2 + (start[1] - end[1])**2)**0.5
force = dist/10.0
if force > 10:
force = 10
cueStick.applyForce(cueBall, force)
cueBall.draw(cueBall.x, cueBall.y)
if not (cueBall.speed > 0):
cueStick.draw(cueBall.x, cueBall.y)
for i in range(len(balls)):
balls[i].draw(balls[i].x, balls[i].y)
for i in range(len(balls)):
for i in range(noPockets):
for i in range(noPockets):
if len(balls) == 1 and balls[0].ballNum == 8:
After explaining the Making 8 Ball Pool Game Using Python. Now we will see what the output looks like after running the whole code.

So, in this tutorial, we have learned How to Make an 8 Ball Pool Game Using Python And we have also discussed the whole code used in this tutorial.
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