In this Unix tutorial, we will learn about Linux/Unix which will help us to clear the basic and advanced concepts about Linux/UNIX.
Linux is an open-source operating system that helps us to perform tasks and run the processes as we do in windows and MAC operating systems.
In the Unix tutorial, we will learn about the concepts of Unix as Unix is also an operating system that is capable of handling multiple activities at the same time. The development of the Unix operating system was started at AT&T Bell Labs by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie in 1969.
In this tutorial, we will cover the concepts of Directories, Files, Man Pages, Files context, VI editors, File Permissions Creation of users and groups, shell commands, etc. We are acquiring an audience that can understand the concept of Linux from Basic to advance.

Table Contents
Linux Tutorial
Linux Directories
- Linux Directories
- Linux pwd
- Linux cd
- Linux mkdir
- Linux rmdir
- Linux Path Completion
- Linux Absolute Relative
Linux Files
- file
- touch
- rm
- cp
- mv
- rename
Linux Man Pages
- Linux Man
- Linux Man -a
- Linux Man -aw
- Linux Man -f
- Linux Man -k
- Linux Man whereis
Linux File Contents
- Linux File Contents
- Linux Head
- Linux tail
- Linux cat
- Linux tac
- Linux more
- Linux less
Linux File Hierarchy
- Linux File Hierarchy
- Binary Directories
- Configuration Directories
- Data Directories
- Memory Directories
- Usr Directory
- var Directory
- Non-standard Directory
Linux Filters
- Linux Filters
- Linux cat
- Linux cut
- Linux grep
- Linux tr
- Linux sed
- Linux tee
- Linux tr
- Linux wc
- Linux od
- Linux sort
- Linuxgzip
Linux I/O Redirection
- Linux I/O Redirection
- Linux Input Redirection
- Linux Output Redirection
- Linux Error Redirection
Linux Unix Tools
- Linux Unix Tools
- Linux Find
- Linux Locate
- Linux Date
- Linux Cal
- Linux Sleep
- Linux Time
- Linux zcat/zmore
- Linux bzip2
- Linux bzcat
- Linux df
Linux Regex
- Linux RegEx
- Linux Grep RegEx
- Linux rename RegEx
- Linux Sed RegEx
Linux Users
- Linux Users
- Local su Commands
- Linux User Management
- User Password
- Local Groups
Linux File Security
- Linux Permission
- Linux File OwnerShip
- Linux Advance Permission
- Linux File Links
Linux Shell Commands
- Linux Commands
- Linux Aliases
- Linux Arguments
- Linux Control Operators
- Linux Displaying Shell
- Linus File Globbing
- Linux Shell History
- Linux History Commands
- Linux History Size
- Linux Bang Bang
Linux Networkings
- Linux Networking
- Linux ifconfig
- Linux ip
- Linux traceroute
- Linux tracepath
- Linux ping
- Linux netstat
- Linux ss
- Linux dig
- Linux nslookup
- Linux route
- Linux host
- Linux arp
- Linux iwconfig
- Linux hostname
- Linux curl and wget
- Linux mtr
- Linux whois
- Linux ifplugstatus
Linux Vi Editor
- Linux Vi Editor
- Linux Vi Commands
- switch
- move
- jump
- delete
- undo and repeat
- cut, copy, paste
- cut, copy paste, blocks
- start and end
- joining
- word
- search
- replace all
- Text Buffer
- Abbreviations
Linux System Admin
- Linux Admin Commands
- Linux uptime
- Linux service
- Linux terminating
- Linux kill
- Linux killall
- Linux pkill
- Linux xkill
- Linux pmap
- -x
- -d
- -q
- -v
- Linux wget command
- wget <URL>
- wget -O<fileName> <URL>
- wget –limit-rate=<Numberk<URL>
- wget -c <URL>
- wget -b<URL>
- wget –tries=<Number> <URL>
- wget -i <fileName>
Unix Tutorial PreConditions
In this tutorial there are some Preconditions to learn about Linux is to have basic knowledge of the Operating System which will help you to better understand the concepts of Linux.
In this tutorial, we have focused on our Viewers to learn Linux from Basic to Advanced.
Problems / Error
In this tutorial, we have focused on No Problems/ Errors If somehow you find any Error or any Problem you can report that to us freely on our contact us page we will appreciate that for this effort.
Github Link
Check this code in Repository from Github and you can also fork this code.
Github User Name: PythonT-Point